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Portree Angling Association SCIO

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The Storr Lochs -  Loch leathan and Loch Fada -  lie beside the road from Portree to Staffin, about five miles north of Portree.  The lochs, which are connected, are some 2.5  miles long by 0.5 miles wide, with several bays and islands.  They offer the cream of the Association’s loch fishing.

Loch Fada, the southern most and smaller of the lochs, is shallow throughout its length, so from a boat the whole loch is fishable.  The weed beds at the south end, round the island, and onto the rocky northern shore are favourite drifts.  For the bank angler, fish can be found all round the shoreline, though the southern end is shallow.  The road side tends to get weedy as the season progresses but round the weed beds can be productive.

Loch Leathan is a much bigger loch. Fish are caught all round the shore, though the roadside bank is favoured by local anglers.  Armishadder Bay at the southern end, though hard to get to, is worth a cast.  There is a small bridge over the narrows between the lochs, allowing access if the water level is not too high.  Favourite drifts on Loch Leathan are in Armishadder Bay and down both shorelines, paying particular attention to the small bays.  Round the big island can also be a productive drift.  Fish can come anywhere and they seem to favour traditional wet flies such as Invicta, Black Pennell, Grouse series, Soldier Palmer and sedge imitations.  We have a prolific mayfly hatch, usually around the first half of June, when the usual Mayfly imitations work well, along with Claret Bumbles and Dabblers imitations like the Loch Ordie work well.

Both Brown and Rainbow trout are present in Loch Leathan with Fada being native wild Browns.

Boats are available on both lochs, including a wheely boat on Loch Leathan, and may be booked for day or evening sessions.  Boat hire charge includes permits for two rods.  The bag limit is two fish over 25cm (10 inches) in length per person.

The Storr Lochs: - Loch Fada – NG493494,       Loch Leathan – NG505515

There are numerous parking places off the A855 Portree to Staffin road, or by the boat shed near the dam wall.  There is a small bridge over the narrows between the lochs allowing access if the water level is not too high.


Boats are available on the Storr Lochs, Loch Fada, Loch Leathan and also on Loch Connan.  Boat fishing is split into two sessions:

                                                                          DAY               9.00am to 4.30pm

                                                                          EVENING      5.00pm to dusk

Boats can be booked in advance, concurrent sessions can be accommodated on full payment for both sessions when collecting the keys.  Keys must be returned to the shop by 4.30 pm for a "Day Session" or deposited through the letter box on the evening of the hire.

                                        Type of Hire                                        Cost of Hire
 Non-Members including permits for two rods £50 per Session                                     
 Members (upon presentation of members card) £5 per Session

All boats are equipped with oars and life jackets. For your own safety please ensure you wear a life jacket at all times.

A number of boats are available for hire on both lochs.  The boats are padlocked at all times and upon receipt of payment keys can be obtained from:-

"Inside Out"

Varragill House,

The Green,


IV51 9BY 

Tel; 01478 611663

Any damage to boats, or missing equipment, should be reported to a member of the management committee or staff at Inside Out

Keys for boat available on Loch na Sguabaidh can be obtained from the Blue Shed Cafe at Torrin.


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